Worst Vacation Ever

Link to story with images

Look at this place! It's so boring, and the sand is like a bunch of tiny spikes spitefully poking my feet.

Their library is full of books, which is the worst. I didn't come on this vacation to read. It's all just "Knowledge of the Important Thing" and "Philosophy is so Cool". Spoilers, it's not cool.

The sculptures were these huge abominations that scrape the sky. Why even build them if they're going to block the best thing this place has? At least the Suns don't annoy me as much as everything else.

The "ruins" were in terrible condition. Hardly a "must see attraction", and everything leaked a reddish dusty thing. Like, I get that the ruins are ruined, but at least furnish the place and clean it up a little.

The Sun alters were so kitchy, and there were hardly enough bathrooms. I had to wait for three hours, and by that point, the poop had almost ejected itself from my body like a spacediver with a malfunctioning oxygen tank.

What is this, the vacation planet for dummies?

In a word: poop. Actually, in more than a word, this is doo doo. It's been forever since we've gotten to be anywhere together, and they choose this sandy, gross, red, armpit of a planet?

There was never a break from the aggressive boredom. I somehow both wanted to do something to activate the last active cell in my brain, but also wanted nothing to do with the "activities" my guardians dragged me to. And the tour guides knew nothing of the planet. "Look over there, it's an old thing that's old and red and ok now look to your left."

If this place was so special, then why did they have leaks that showed that it was virtual? Shouldn't I be immersed within the world, so that I don't know that it's not real? Everyone around me just pretends and tries their hardest to be enamored with the "sights and sounds". I wish I could.

Honestly, if being cultured means visiting ancient ruins, then shove me into a different simulation. My artificial guardians can pretend to be interested in "The History of the Earkon", just keep me out of it. I'd rather go back into the apocalypse of the real world then pretend to be vacationing in "the top 10 places to see before you die!"

Written in the video game, "Elegy for a Dead World". From the Steam Page: "Explore dead civilizations, write about what you find, and share your stories with the universe: a game about writing fiction." This work started off as a template within the game.


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